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This is an implementation of a minimal Point of Sales in Microsoft ASP.NET Core 3.1, based on MVC architectural pattern using code first aproach with Entity Framework on local machine using Microsoft SQL Database

AspNetCore-Runtime Code Sync ASP.NET Core CI .NET Core

Point Of Sales

beavernet beaverNet

This is an implementation of a minimal Point of Sales in Microsoft ASP.NET Core 3.1, based on MVC architectural pattern using code first aproach with Entity Framework on local machine using Microsoft SQLite Database.




  1. Clone the repo
     git clone
  2. Change directory:
     cd beaverNet.POS
  3. Restore packages:
     dotnet restore beaverNet.POS.sln
  4. Run .Net project: F5 from either Visual Studio IDE OR VScode: Note: If you are running using Visual Studio Code, install dev certificates using command:
     dotnet dev-certs https --trust
